Stella turned one on February 10th and we celebrated her birthday in style at Gymboree. It was a "hoot" of a good time. If you can't tell by the few play on words, we did an owl themed birthday for her party. Everything was perfect! I think she had a great time.
We celebrated her actual birthday with a family party and cupcakes at home on the 10th and her birthday party with friends was on Sunday the 12th. She had 11 of her best pals with her to celebrate, plus their parents. A good time was had by all. One of her favorite parts of the party was the parachute and bubble time. She loved trying to catch the bubbles. She was a little hesitant to dig into her smash cake, and instead loved to be fed by Daddy with a spoon. (She is a little miss priss!)
A few milestones I would like to remember about Stella at one year old are
-She has 6 teeth
-She is trying so hard to walk. She will take three or four steps and then plop down and crawl because she realizes that she is faster crawling than walking.
-She loves to dance, wear any type of jewelry. Bracelets are her favorite.
-She knows where her head and tummy are.
-She will blow kisses goodbye.
-She loves to clap and is very proud of herself when others clap for her. (She started clapping when they were singing happy birthday to her.)
-She says momma, daddy, ball, hi, and (I think there might be a few more, but I am drawing a blank)
-She waves hi and loves to give high fives.
-Some of her favorite foods are cheese sticks, grapes, bananas, mac and cheese, potatoes,yogurt, strawberries, apple sauce pouches, and many more. This kid loves to eat!!
Here are a few pics from her birthday party!
(It's backwards, her friend party first and then her family party...Oops!)