We are gearing up around here for all the new things that are about to take place in the next couple of months. I went to my doctor's appointment Tuesday and everything is looking good with baby Stella. She has 39 days left in the incubator before we meet this little muffin! So hard to believe it's that close! I have been trying my best to get her things ready, but it's so hard when we are in this rental house and she doesn't have a room or any place to put her stuff. But that brings us to topic number two, the new house!!! We met with the builder last weekend and they are moving along faster than we expected. They said they could have the house done by the end of February, 1st of March. Which means, I could potentially have a two week old baby, have to pack up my family in this rental house, and move and unpack into a new house all in the span of two or three weeks. Ahhhhh, I am trying not to stress out but that just seems like a lot. I guess I am just going to have to take it one day at a time. For now, we are trying to enjoy every minute we have left as a family of three!
Here are few pics from Christmas! (They are backwards, from Christmas night in the bath tub shaving to Christmas Eve before church and putting out reindeer food!)