This weekend was a very busy one for Gage and I. We made a quick overnight trip to Dallas on Friday night to see family, daddy/hubby and to attend Maggie and Ella's first birthday on Saturday. We drove down on Friday afternoon. Gage was great in the car, but refused to take a nap on our three hour journey so that was no good! When we got there, we played outside on the basketball court the hotel had. It was good for Gage to stretch his legs. Then Friday night we got to see Daniel for a little while. He has been working in Decatur Texas for the last three months (two weeks on, two weeks off) so it was so nice to get to see him, only if it was for a couple hours.
After a very rough night of sleep Friday night (Gage does not do well in pack in plays) we headed to Maggie and Ella's First Birthday. I was worried that Gage was going to be so grouchy because he had not had a nap that day either, but he did ok. We got to see Sarah, which was very exciting since it was the first time to see her with a belly. You make pregnancy look amazing Aunt Sarah! The Hansberger family can't wait to meet little Lincoln in a few months. We had to leave a little early to get back on the road back to Oklahoma but it was a very fun filled, quick visit.
Sunday morning, Gage and I awoke to the sight of Easter eggs around the house. The Easter Bunny definitely stopped by our house. Gage opened his basket and hunted for his eggs, then it was off to church. I am so sorry Daniel had to miss this very fun day, but we can't wait to see him in two days! Yay! Now to relax and enjoy this beautiful day and play with some of Gage's new toys! Oh, and the last couple of pics are of him eating his first Resse's Peanut Butter Egg. He obviously didn't like it at all! Hehehe!