Updates on the kids:
Gage is turning three at the end of the month, and is every bit, a three year old. Everything these days is "I'll do it myself" or NO (which I think is his favorite.) He is a sweet boy but definitely pushes the limits sometimes. I miss my cuddly momma's boy, but hope to have him back someday. :) He can't wait for Christmas. We count down every morning, by moving the candy cane in our Christmas calendar. We also have an Elf on a Shelf, name Jack, which he enjoys hunting for every morning. We celebrated his birthday this passed weekend, since his actual birthday is the 29th and so close to Christmas. We had a trains, planes, and automobiles party, which turned out to be a big hit. (I will include a few pics at the end.)
Oh, and Miss Stella, she is 10 months now and just as high maintenance as ever. She is getting around great, and I think in the next few weeks here, we will see her start to take her first steps on her own. She LOVES to be held however, and as long as she is doing that, she is happy as a clam. If I put her down or walk out of the room for just a second, she screams. Needless to say, there is lot of screaming in our house throughout the day, because I can't hold her all the time. She will get over it at some point however!! She eats pretty much all "people food" now and pulls the spoon out of your hand if you try to feed her baby food. She will take the baby food in the pouch, if she can do it herself. Some of her favorite foods are blueberries, bananas, strawberries, mac n cheese, and cheese. She is an eater, and there are days where she out eats her brother. I wonder where it all goes because she is still so tiny. Well not tiny, but much small than what her brother was. At her nine month check up she was 18 pounds and in the 50%.
All in all the Hansbergers are doing great. Gearing up for the holidays and getting ready for the cold Oklahoma winters.

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