GAGE IS FOUR MONTHS OLD!!! I can't believe that our "little bird" (Daniel calls him that because when he is about to eat he opens his mouth so wide like he is a bird waiting for mom to drop the food in) is been in our lives for four months. I am writing this post at the exact time he was born four months ago. (3:55 pm) It is amazing how much our lives have changed since then, and I can't imagine life without him.
Gage is making lots of cooing noises and baby talk. He smiles and is happy for the most part all the time. (with the exception of the car seat, see previous post) He is trying so hard to roll over, but gets stuck on that darn arm. He is also trying hard to sit on his own but tends to fall over after about 10 seconds. (I will have to get some video of this.) We have his four month well check next Friday so I will have all the stats for you then.
Gage is making lots of cooing noises and baby talk. He smiles and is happy for the most part all the time. (with the exception of the car seat, see previous post) He is trying so hard to roll over, but gets stuck on that darn arm. He is also trying hard to sit on his own but tends to fall over after about 10 seconds. (I will have to get some video of this.) We have his four month well check next Friday so I will have all the stats for you then.
Well on Gage's four month birthday, we made a visit out to the very first school I taught at when we moved to Oklahoma. (I was only there for one year because the commute was so far.) I absolutely loved that school and made some very dear friends. We made the trek out in the pouring rain, thirty five minute drive, with him screaming in the back for the first 15 minutes but finally arrived at Mustang Valley Elementary. I got to see some of my old kiddos who are now in fourth grade and all the old teachers that I taught with. We took a few pics in front of the board in the old classroom, and then Gage got to be principal for a day and sit in the big bosses chair. Overall we had a great day and he is very tired out and napping now!! Happy four months Gage!! We love you to pieces!

Principal for a Day!!