It's hard to believe our "Little Bird" is five months old. He has grown and changed so much in the last month. We love him so dearly, and can't wait for the next five months!
Five Month Milestones:
-Loves to role over. He spends more time on his tummy now then his back.
-The Jumperoo has got to be his favorite toy.
-His favorite book to have read to him is The Belly Button Book
-His favorite Baby Einstien video is the Baby Monet-Introduction to the seasons. (Highly recommended by mom.)
-He has found his feet and tries while on the changing table and in the bath tub to put them in his mouth. (It is so funny!!)
-His favorite food (of the ones he has tried so far) is Pears
-He is no longer in his infant carseat. We made the transition to the big boy carseat and he is a much happier camper in the car. No more screaming himself to sleep.
-He goes to sleep at 7pm and will sleep till 5:30am. I feed him, and then he goes back to sleep till between 7 and 8am. He takes a morning nap from about 10-11am and an afternoon nap from 2-4pm.
-He loves Gymboree and has a new little friend Meacham.
-He drools like crazy. I think he is getting ready for those teeth. I have to change his outfit several times a day, and he wears a bib all the time. (See pics below.)
-He is looking more and more like his Daddy!!

More Posts to come soon!
Sorry I am a little behind!!
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